Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Noisy Neighbors

Two weeks ago I moved into a new apartment with my best friend. Everything was great, the rooms were bigger, less messy roommates, and electric is included. Thought it was wonderful...until it was time to go to sleep. Then instead of sleeping we got to listen to the music being played by neighbors somewhere in the apartment complex. We ignored it, and some how eventually fell asleep.

These nights continued until I finally could't take it anymore. We went downstairs and had a moment of shock. We live on the third floor and thought the music was coming from the apartment right below us...but it was coming from the first floor apartment. Knocked on the door, nothing. Knocked again a little louder and they answered the door. I calmly asked if they could turn the music down so that we could sleep and they seemed to cooperate. Until I walked back upstairs and heard the music turned back up again.

This time when I went downstairs a girl answered the door and invited us in, explaining that she didn't live there. I smiled to her, explained the situation and again asked for the music to be turned down. They did and I turned to go back up the stairs. Half-way up the first flight I heard the music again, and then to my amusement I heard a girl's angry voice and the music immediatly being turned down. Thinking this was going to be the end of it I went back upstairs to bed.

I was wrong. Less than an hour later the music was up again. This time when I knocked on their door no one answered so I took the next course of action. I called the police.

Police showed up, and I assume asked them to turn down their music. I never got to see the officers.

Finally some peace and quiet! ...or so I thought.

3:39am the music was on again. Needless to say I was extremely pissed at being woken up that early in the morning. Stormed down the stairs and pounded on their door. To be confronted by a tall angry drunk and possibly high guy. Some unpleasant words were exchanged, he said that they haven't touched the music since the police came by, I told him that I heard him turn it down after I "knocked" on the door, he called me a fucking lesbian. (Now just as a side note, that is the only "insult" that he said to me. Really? That's all you could think of? Not really much of an insult since I am a lesbian. Good job there bud.) I started going back up the stairs with him still yelling at me, and its a good thing that I did. When I got to the top of my staircase I heard him start following me up the stairs. I ran the last few steps, into my apartment, and closed and locked the door.

I think he ignored the part where I said that I lived two floors above him, because I heard him knocking on the apartment doors on the second floor. He gave up when there was no answer (no one lives in that apartment yet) and went back down, music just as loud as ever. So guess what my next course of action was?

You guessed it. I called the police again. The woman on the other end of the line recognized my voice
"Is this Akatora?"
"Apartment 1234Z?"
(Yes I changed the aparment number, and it shouldn't take a genius to figure out that my real name is not Akatora :)

Police came and the music went silent again, I was able to sleep the rest of the night.

I thought that was going to be the end of it, I mean, they had the cops come to their place twice in one night, they should get it right? Right?!

Wrong. The next night I was woken up at 3:04am by the music again. This time I didn't even bother getting out of bed. I just called the police and told them what was going on. I stayed awake until I heard the pounding of the door below, and the music cutting off. I admit I was giggling a little and hoping that they were getting fined.

Two nights later and its been quiet. Apparantly the third time really was the charm :3

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